Google is going to test its Project Loon in India with telcos partnership. Today Google’s managing director of India, Rajan Anandan says in an interview to the Economic Times. “The actual provisioning of the service is done by a local telco. So, we’re talking to a number of local telcos, We can’t do a Loon pilot without partnering with a local telco.”
Almost all of us thinks of that the Internet as a global community. But two-thirds of the world’s population does not yet have Internet access. Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps in Network.
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Company is trying to sort out things with the government to kickstart this project in the Country. In December 2014, company met first time with government authorities to address potential issues concerning to Project Loon transmissions interfering with cellular networks and to look into ways to work with existing telecom firms.
Google also working on the project to bring free Wi-Fi to 400 railway stations across the India. The first these went online in January and 99 more are expected to get online by the end of 2016.
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Google Project Loon Coming in India with Local telcos partnership