Samsung introduced the Galaxy A53 smartphone in March 2022. The device runs on Android 12 OS out of the box along with One UI 4.1 on top. Underneath, it equips an octa-core Exynos 1280 processor. Galaxy A53 features a 6.5 inches Super AMOLED display with a 32 MP selfie shooter. On the other side, there’s a quad-camera island led by a 64MP primary sensor.
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Note: This is an update tracker and will be updated regularly in descending order with the latest update released for the device.
Samsung Galaxy A53 Updates Tracker
- [April 12, 2022]: The Galaxy A53 5G is getting the April 2022 security patch update in South Korea and India. For the home country, the build arrives on the A536NKSU1AVCC version, while it carries the A536EXXU1AVCD number in India.
As usual, the OTA update is having a staged rollout. You can either wait for a pop-up notification or check it manually. To give it a self-check, head over to the Settings app > Software update and tap on Download and install. Also, we suggest you switch over to a WiFi network before downloading the update to avoid data charges.