Samsung is ahead of all the other smartphone brands in terms of releasing updates. The company has already updated all its high-end smartphones and most of the mid-range offerings. Although the tech giant is yet to deploy the Android 12 OS to its entry-level smartphones. Well, it seems that the scene could change soon!
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The Samsung Galaxy A12 is on the verge to get the One UI 4.1 package based on the latest stable operating system. The South Korean firm has started testing the update internally in India (INS) with firmware version A125FXXU2CVD5. Moreover, knowing the company's nature, the software is likely to pack the latest version of the Android security patch as well.
Talking about changes, Android 12 will bring a whole new user experience with a revamped UI design and Material You theme. That implies everything on your phone will be color-coordinated with the home screen wallpaper. In addition, there will be more widget options with better styling and an improved widget picker UI.
However, Galaxy A12 is an entry-level smartphone, therefore, it will not get the Smart Widgets feature. On the bright side, the privacy features and not compromised here. Android 12 with One UI 4.1 will give you a more secure experience. It adds the Privacy Dashboard that offers a detailed single view of your permissions settings. Thanks to the indicators, you will now know when your apps are accessing the microphone or camera.