Realme Q5 series was launched in April 2022 with three different variants: Realme Q5, Q5 Pro, and Realme Q5i. The lineup powers Android 12 out of the box along with a layer of Realme UI 3.0 on top. Underneath, the Realme Q5 and Q5 Pro power a Snapdragon processor, while the Realme Q5i equips a Dimensity chipset. Needless to say, the specifications of each device are different. Although they all are backed up by a 5000 mAh battery. Here on this page, we have listed all the updates that the company has released for the series.
Make sure to visit: Download Realme Game Space Latest Version [old versions archived]
Note: We will keep this post updated with the latest information regarding the Realme Q5 series.
Realme Q5 Series Updates Tracker
- [June 10, 2022]: The Realme Q5 Pro is getting a new update in China. The build packs the May 2022 security patch and it optimizes the system stability to improve user experience. Moreover, the camera usage will be enhanced after flashing the new build.
- System
- Optimize system stability and improve user experience
- Camera
- Optimize the blurred effect of the front portrait
- Optimize camera performance in some scenarios
- Optimize the green and blue effects of video imaging
- Optimize the clarity of night scene imaging
- Charging
- Optimize charging protection and charging icon display logic for individual scenarios
- Security
- Update Android security patch (2022#05)
As usual, Realme is sending the updates in a phase-wise manner. As a result, it is expected to reach all the units within a week. You can also check the update status manually by heading over to Settings > Software updates > Check for the updates. Also, we suggest you switch over to a WiFi network to avoid carrier data charges.