The upcoming Samsung Galaxy S23 series has been in leaks for a long time. Last week, Samsung announced that it would launch the device on February 1 in an unpacked event. Earlier, the leaked renders of the smartphone gave us an idea of the design of the forthcoming smartphones. The render images of cases were revealed by WinFuture and it reveals different cases made up of a couple of materials.
Samsung Galaxy S23 would have cases made up of silicone, leather, and clear covers. Each of these styles would be manufacturing using soft plastic or transparent TPU materials. Samsung will also include the standard Smart View Cover for the device. It would help users to know important information from your device without opening the flip. The rendered images suggest that the upcoming Galaxy S23 wouldn't have the issue of raised camera cutout. The images reveal that the three cameras will protrude individually from the rear panel.
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The source also reveals that there would be additional designs, including frame cases, standing cases with ring handles, and silicone covers with a strap on the back. Those cases would help the users with secure handling. There are rumors that the rugged standing case with military drop test certification won't arrive this year. There are no confirmations from Samsung regarding the same. However, it is known that the series would feature an overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset made in Samsung Foundry. It will also be one of the first smartphones to launch with OneUI 5.1. Samsung may include a 200MP primary sensor with the device. The Galaxy S23 series smartphones have been listed in TENAA, FCC, and GeekBench by revealing some details.