Saturday, February 5, 2011

AndroidMarketZOOM Takes a Deep Look into the Success of the Android Market in 2010

AndroidZOOM has put together an interesting pdf, which is chockfull of 2010 Android Market statistics and challenges for 2011. The report showcases the vast growth that the Market has seen over the past year including number of apps, submitted, ratio of paid and free apps, and most downloaded apps.

Here are a few of the sparkling numbers according to the report:
  • During 2010, a total of 170,000 applications were published on Google’s Android Market. 75% of them were still active and available at the close of the year.
  • Almost 65,000 new applications have been published on Market since September 2010. This figure means that Android Market has doubled the number of available applications in a period of just 6 months.
  • Only a third of the applications available are paid.
  • $1 is also the minimum price at which applications are sold.  Conclusion: Half the paid applications are sold at the minimum price.
The rest of the report, including 2011 factors and challenges can be viewed here. After you've read the report, write us a comment with your thoughts on how the Market is doing and what numbers you expect from 2011.


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