Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Archos 5 Tablets On Sale Today Only at – 500GB Half Price has the Archos 5 500GB Android tablet on sale half-price today only. Normally $499, it’s now on sale for $239. The 32GB flash memory version, normally $379.99 is now 289.96. While these tablets don’t have the full range of Google apps, like Gmail, the market, and maps, and they only come with Android 1.6, they can be hacked in. They do each come with a 5-inch screen and an 800MHz CPU, which makes them very adequate tablets. Do a little reading up on them and see if they might be what you’re looking for, if you’re shopping for a tablet. And if you’ve been waiting for a good deal on this one, today is the day to pull the trigger!
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