Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aria, Desire Z, Desire HD And MyTouch 4G Source Code Released By HTC

Are you a nerd or phone geek and want to get your hands on the source code for some of HTC’s high end devices?  Yeah, me too.  Alright, I wouldn’t exactly call the Aria a “high end device” either, but you know what I mean.  Head on over to HTC’s Developer Center via the source link where you’ll find source code for the HTC Aria, Desire Z, Desire HD and the MyTouch 4G.  We’re hoping that those of you who are “programatically” inclined will do some awesome things with it, all in the name of Android.  As expected, any proprietary code will be omitted from the source.  We can’t wait to see what comes out of this.  Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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