Sunday, February 13, 2011

Even More HTC Thunderbolt Cases Begin Arriving at Verizon Stores

We’ve seen plenty of HTC Thunderbolt cases showing up over the past week, despite the fact that a rumored February 14th release date seems to be giving way to an a second rumored February 24th release date. While the first group of cases we saw landed at Best Buy, if I’m not mistaken this is the first group to be found at a Verizon retail store.
The bunch features three different cases: a “high gloss” silicone cover, a snap-on hard cover, and a combo hard case with gel cover all with kickstand cutouts. Interestingly, the hard cover alone and the hard cover/gel combo both cost $24.99, while the gel cover by itself goes for $19.99. We would love to sprinkle in some “well the cases are at Verizon, maybe it will show up sooner than the 24th” speculation, but with the way this release date keeps fluctuating we don’t want to add to the fire. At least we know that when it does show up casing options will be ample.


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