Take a peek at all the new features you’ll be grappling when you download the brand new version of Evernote:
New View: Snippets
In snippets, you’re given a new more dynamic view of your lists of your notes. Included is a thumbnail image, title, date posted, and a shortened version of the text inside the note. If the note contains no image, the entire space is utilized with more text from the paragraphs within. This new note view is in addition to the views already available, and you can create as many unique note snippet stacks as you like.
Notebook Stacks
This feature, Notebook Stacks, was recently added to both the Windows and Mac versions of the application. Like what was just said, you’re allowed to create stacks of notes in whatever manner you like, creating stacks for activities you’ll be doing, weeks that’ll require specific notes, or whatever else you like.
Edit Styled Notes from your Android Device
You’ve been able to create styled notes from Evernote for a while not – why not have the ability to edit these notes from your Android device? Now you can, and it’s completely simple beyond belief. The ever-present “Append or Copy” popup has been done away with, and editing maintains the style of whatever element you’re editing. You may not edit text notes, webclips, snapshots, or audio notes. IMPORTANT NOTE: this feature will add text in the style that the rest of the paragraph is in, but will not create new styled text or re-style existing text. Take a peek at the demo video here:
Plus More!
Hooray there’s more, including improved sync performance, new editing of saved searches before running them (tap and hold search name to do this), improved scaling of images, faster loading and app performance, and a crapload of additional bug fixes all around.
Evernote for Android is currently available FREE in the Android Marketplace.
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