Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nearly 90% of All Android Devices Run 2.1 or 2.2

“Fragmentation” is a very common buzzword in the Android world, especially among its critics. But how big of a problem is it, really? Granted, different carriers and different manufacturers like to put their own spin on the OS, but most of that is cosmetic. At the core, most Android devices are running either the 2.1 or 2.2 version of the OS. The Android developer blog has released numbers, compiled of all the devices that have checked into the market over the last 2 weeks. As it turns out, 57.6% of all devices are running Android 2.2 right now, and 31.4% are running 2.1 – bringing the total between the two up to 89%. With nearly 90% running the same version of the OS, and Google saying that they’re at a point that major updates will be coming out about once a year, that should go a long way to addressing the perception of fragmentation.


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