Here’s to the greatest words ever spoken, “faster is better”. Compared to the LPDDR2 DRAM chip set, this is an eightfold increase in bandwidth. Samsung has also trimmed power consumption by 87 percent while successfully doing this. This is extremely impressive and something to look forward to as new and innovative handsets and tablets join the market by Samsung. Samsung increased data transfer rates by using a new wide I/O DRAM which encompasses a 512 pin system, much larger than the 32 pin set used in previous chips. The folks over at Engadget have reported that Samsung hopes to provide 20nm-class 4GB wide I/O mobile DRAM by the year 2013. Here’s to hoping the technology reaches new mobile products much much sooner than that. As the technology begins to unfold more, we’ll definitely be reporting it back for you all, so don’t forget to check back in with Talk Android. What do you think? Is an attainable 12.8 GB/sec fast enough for you?
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