Showing posts with label Adobe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adobe. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

Adobe Flash Player updates just in time for the Galaxy Nexus

When review units of the HSPA+ “international” version of the Galaxy Nexus came out, we were surprised to find that Adobe’s Flash Player was nowhere to be seen on the Android Market. Of course, that didn’t mean much to most US users, since Verizon’s combined exclusivity and “delays” meant they couldn’t get a hold of an Ice Cream Sandwich phone anyway. Well, Adobe’s software developers have delivered just in time, and you can now download Flash for your shiny new Galaxy Nexus, no matter where you are. The update is a little confusing, since it appears to be the same APK file that was sent out on December 12th. That was thought to be a minor stability fix, but now it appears that it’s the full-fledged Ice Cream Sandwich compatible Flash...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Adobe promises December launch for Flash on Galaxy Nexus

Imagine our surprise when review units of the Galaxy Nexus couldn’t access Adobe Flash on the Android Market. It turns out that this had nothing to do with Adobe’s unceremonious drop of mobile Flash, but rather the fact that the current application simply needed an update to support either the Galaxy Nexus or Ice Cream Sandwich. According to Adobe’s official Flash blog, both Flash and AIR will be updated sometime next month in order to support the Galaxy Nexus. No mention of Ice Cream Sandwich was made, and it’s an interesting omission. Will the update make Flash compatible with all of the upcoming Ice Cream Sandwich devices, like the Asus Transformer Prime? Will Flash need to be adjusted for each major hardware release after the...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Adobe: Flash Will Be Updated To Support ICS Before Year's End, But Not Future Versions Of Android

Earlier this month, Adobe announced that it would be halting development on the mobile version of Flash, which included support for Android devices. More recently, it was realized that the current version of Flash isn't compatible with Ice Cream Sandwich, leaving early adopters of the Galaxy Nexus without the ability to view flash content on the web. Adobe has now confirmed that it will be bringing Flash to ICS devices before the end of 2011, but it will not support any version of Android past 4.0. Throughout the lifespan of ICS, Adobe will continue to push critical updates, bug fixes, and security updates to Flash for Android to ensure device security, but that will be the extent of development as far as mobile Flash is concerned....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Adobe says Flash for ICS will be last supported OS

We have already talked about the fact that there was supposed to be no Flash support for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Adobe has now announced that it will be offering Flash for ICS after all. There is a catch though; Adobe has noted that ICS will be the last supported Android OS for Flash. That means all future version of Android will have to make it with no Flash. Flash for Android 4.0 is expected by the end of the year. The company will continue to offer patches and security updates for existing versions of Flash after the Android 4.0 version is offered. This will get all the folks planning to get a Galaxy Nexus that lacks Flash support for content using flash. Once those Android 5.0 handsets start to hit, Google will need to...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Firefox alpha adds Flash support and really bad timing

Flash developers and enthusiasts are still reeling after Adobe dropped support for the mobile version. But the convergence of Flash users and Firefox fans (including yours truly) should get a little joy out of the fact that Mozilla is going forward with its Flash support. So far the Android version of Firefox doesn’t work with Flash, but you can head over to Mozilla’s web page and download the latest “Aurora” alpha to give the just-added feature a try. Naturally the implementation is a little buggy, and it doesn’t help that Firefox Mobile isn’t a speed demon in the best of conditions. But it works, sort of, and if you live in Firefox and rely on that one extension or Sync’s bookmarks, you’re one step closer to a single browser solution....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Adobe’s Full Suite of Touch Apps Are Now Available For Android

Alright, so Adobe is giving up on Flash for mobile devices. But let’s not forget, there’s still a great many other things the company is good at. Take their entire suite of touch apps that are finally available for Android. We told you guys about them a few weeks ago and these six apps are special touch versions of their popular (and expensive) desktop applications built specifically for iOS and Android Honeycomb tablets. Here’s what we’re looking at: Adobe Photoshop Touch: Transform images freely using core Photoshop features in an app custom-built for tablets. Adobe Proto: Create interactive wireframes and prototypes of websites and mobile apps. Adobe Ideas: Design virtually anywhere using vectors, layers, and color themes....

Monday, November 14, 2011

Adobe releases its final flash version for mobiles

Adobe Corporation has released its final version of the Flash player plug in for smart phones. This release is a result of Adobe’s recent announcement regarding the cancelling of any further development of the Flash player plug in for mobile devices. Adobe however promised to continue releasing patches which would obviously contain critical updates and bug fixes. The latest release was announced by Danny Winokur, an Adobe executive in charge of Interactive Development. Labelled as 11.1, this new version eliminates a number of known security flaws. Danny Winokur was also quoted as saying that the Adobe Corporation would not release another version of Flash player for mobile phones. He further added that security updates will continue...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Adobe pushes last major Flash update to the Android Market

Earlier this week Adobe announced plans to abandon Flash on mobile platforms, to much weeping and gnashing of teeth. They still intend one more major release, Flash Player 11.1, and it’s available in the Android Market now. The 11.1 update brings bug fixes and stability to the Android version, including a particularly nasty audio problem on the Samsung Galaxy S II. 11.1 will be the very last version update, unless Adobe changes its mobile strategy. Smaller bug fixes and security updates will follow, and a good thing too, since Flash is historically insecure. But there will be no more features added to Flash for Android, since Adobe has decided to focus on its AIR platform and HTML 5. The move has drawn ire from Flash developers and...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Adobe officially halts development on Flash for Android

Much speculation has been going on this morning about Adobe’s future plans for the mobile platform, and now it’s finally official. After some recent cutbacks including hundreds of layoffs, Adobe will halt major development on Flash for Android, instead focusing on HTML5, with the effort that went into flash transitioning to the Adobe AIR platform for app development. Bug fixes and security support (a critical part of the attack-prone Flash) will continue, and at least one more major release will be posted, Flash 11.1. Here’s the official line, straight from Adobe: Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores.  We will...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Adobe unveils more powerful Photoshop Touch

Let’s face it: Photoshop Mobile is a joke. It’s not really an image editor as much as it’s a tweaker, an app that’s just about worth its free price tag and doesn’t really live up to the Photoshop name. Now that tablets with the screen real estate and horsepower to take advantage of more traditional photo editing exist, Adobe wants to take advantage of them with Photoshop Touch for Honeycomb.The app features a full-screen interface that mimics the tools of the desktop version of Photoshop, while still staying relatively finger-friendly. Basic functions like rotation, crop and various color corrections are easy with advanced warps and modifications also possible. Most exciting is that Photoshop’s robust selection and layer tools seem...

Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 available tonight for download

Today Adobe is rocking the news with their MAX conference. They have just announced the much anticipated Adobe Flash Player 11 will be available starting tonight for multiple platforms, including Android. Same rules apply for Air 3.0 and they will be available tonight at 9:00 PM PT or early morning for you East Coast folks. The latest Flash updates will bring significant changes that were detailed in-depth back in September.Sadly for mobile and Android this initial release wont see the new Stage 3D codenamed “Molehill”. Although both flash and air will eventually bring major improvements to mobile that will help to stabilize and revolutionize the way we game and consume content on the web and our mobile devices. Stage 3D was one of...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Flash Player 10.3 Updated In The Android Market – New Bug Fixes and Enhancements

Adobe Flash Player 10.3 was updated in the Android Market to version Contained in this update were a bunch of fixes and enhancements for multiple devices so if you’ve noticed your Flash Player was acting a little funny, now would be a good time to jump in the Market and update. Here is the full change log from Adobe:Fixes and Enhancements in Flash Player Flash Player addresses compatibility issues:Calls to gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop() no longer fail in some Flash applications which load shared libraries. TextField instances which specify a negative offset (x property contains a negative value) now correctly flow the text horizontally instead of vertically. Improved performance in some cases...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Adobe Releases Major Update To Flash 10.2 For Honeycomb

TweetAdobe’s taken its sweet time with the Honeycomb-flavored version of Flash 10.2 – heck, it wasn’t available at all when the XOOM debuted – but it looks the software is fully cooked and ready to go at last.The latest update to Flash for Android 3.0 (version number introduces several enhancements, most notably hardware acceleration for 720p video. Browser integration has also been improved, and "important bug fixes and security enhancements" (including a fix to the "critical" vulnerability discovered a few weeks ago) have been made.The update is now in the Market.Source: Adobe  ...