Showing posts with label Android Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Apps. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

AMD invests in BlueStacks to bring Android apps to Windows tablets

Android and Windows users had something to cheer about last week when start-up BlueStacks released the first version of their Android emulation software, which makes running and syncing Android apps on Windows easy. Now hardware giant AMD and virtualization software maker Citrix are investing 5.6 million dollars into the small company, hoping to spur development and expand x86 hardware’s capabilities to include the wide range of Android apps. BlueStacks says that they’ll use the cash to quickly bring feature-complete versions of its Player software to desktop computers. The potential for BlueStack is promising to say the least. Windows doesn’t have a lot of touch-optimized software at the moment, and with the tablet-friendly Windows...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Google Releases Gmail App Security Update Version

Back at the end of July Google updated its Gmail application for Android bringing a ton of new features to the table (like Priority Mail or custom ringtones). While nothing major like the previous one, Mountain View updated the application again but this time it's for security reasons instead of features. A new Gmail app is available in the Android Market and you should have gotten the notification by now. If not, just follow the source link or consult the Android Market app on your phone. We're talking about Gmail version in relation to which the changelog only states "security update". We're all sensitive to security so you might want to get the latest version as soon as possible!Source: Android Market...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

List of top 10 Android Apps for Small Business

I hаvе tо аdmіt, I'd addicted tо mу сell рhonе. I dереnd оn іt fоr a numbеr оf buѕіnеѕs аnd рerѕоnаl thingѕ ѕuсh аѕ: mаkіng рhоne callѕ, ассeѕѕіng my еmаіl, wrіting emailѕ, kеeріng track of aрроіntmentѕ, using іt аs аn alаrm clоck-and mоѕt importаntlу for plaуing "Angrу Birdѕ". (just kіdding) I'vе hаd mу HTC Inсrеdiblе Andrоіd Basеd OS Phоne for аbоut а yeаr now, and I totallу hеаrt іt. There's juѕt ѕо much thаt уоu саn do wіth it аnd a tоn оf аррlісatіоnѕ thаt can bе dоwnlоaded frоm thе Andrоid market thаt саn bе uѕеd for businеѕs rеlated tаѕkѕ. One of my реrѕоnal fаvоrіtе apрs that I uѕe оn my рhоne tо соnneсt tо thе іnternеt from mу laрtoр PC іѕ PDANet bу Junе Fаbriсѕ. This nеаt lіttlе tооl allоws you tо ѕurf thе Intеrnet -vіа your andrоіd...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Google Readying Pulse Competitor feed reader app

One of the most obvious and easily made excellent functions of a tablet computer is its ability to act as a news reader. What groups like News360 and Feedly and Pulse have discovered is that it’s quite the lucrative and easily accessible market indeed. And you know what happens when there’s a market that’s available for access, right? Google comes in and smashes everyone else with their Thor hammer! Or I suppose that’s what they’ll be hoping to do with what’s likely to be called “Google Propeller.” What Propeller is set to do is take on all competitors and also take a jab as Facebook’s recent news additions. This app will be set to be released on both Android and iOS (specifically on Honeycomb and iPad, so tablet-based right out of...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Must-Have Android Apps discounted at the Amazon Appstore

I just came across this cool promotion called “Geek Week” that the Amazon Appstore is running this week on some really cool Android apps. While these apps may not appeal to everyone, we suggest that you take a look at them and and know what they’re all about. Check out the full list of the apps included in this promotion: EasyTether now $4.99, was $9.99WidgetLocker Lockscreen now $0.99, was $1.99Root Explorer now $0.99, was $3.99SetCPU for Root Users now $0.99, was $2Wave Launcher now $0.99, was $1.99RepliGo Reader now $1.99, was $4.99BackupEverything now $0.99, was $1.99Xtralogic remote Desktop Client now $12.99, was $24.95If you don’t have any of these apps yet, we recommend that you’d jump on EasyTether which doesn’t require that you...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Android apps continue to gain popularity, catching up to Apple

There are plenty of smartphone users that will stick with what they like and there are some that want the most apps available.  For the latter, it might start to get a bit difficult to choose since Android apps are closing the gap with Apple apps.  App downloads are powering towards 5 billion by the end of 2011.  In the Asia-Pacific region, Android apps are set to take over Apple apps for the first time.  With increasing smartphone usage in the region and more smartphone users getting familiar with Android OS, the numbers are set to shoot through the roof.  This year, the region can expect to see an increase of 189 percent on the number of app downloads. Experts expect mobile app downloads to reach the 14 billion...

Monday, September 12, 2011

[App] 9s-Weather HD Free:Have 9-Weather HD Free & Have a Nice Day!

Product Name: 9s-Weather HD FreeCategory: WeatherOS: Android 3.0 (Android 2.3 and above)Price: Free Description: 9s-Weather HD, a gorgeous weather forecast application specially designed for tablets and supporting Android 3.0, is the best choice to acquire weather information and decorate your home screen simultaneously. In addition to providing accurate, real-time, and useful weather information, 9s-Weather HD gets rid of the stereotype of traditional weather forecast app UI design, and displays a unique exquisite UI and fancy graphical animations to enrich your daily weather. Now, let 9s-Weather HD present the beauty of Nature and bring you to the ravishing “secret garden” to get some refreshments and to release annoying pressures....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Featured App Of The Day: Gurk, the 8-bit RPG

With all these high-end, octo-core phones being released with some of the most cutting edge and powerful GPU’s capable of advanced 3D graphics — this game wont require any of that. In fact, Gurk, the 8-bit RPG is merely a 100KB download of the most purest, old-school RPG fun.Alright — I know most of you took one look at those screen shots and immediately ran for the hills. I did too. In fact, I laughed. But don’t let these cheesy 8-bit visuals fool you. Underneath this games pixeled exterior is a surprisingly deep and well thought out RPG. With over 24 dungeon levels, 44 different items and 23 unique monsters — seriously, you’re just going to have to try it for yourself.After giving the game a chance, I couldn’t believe I was actually...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 to get Android app

Before you get all excited about MW3 coming to Android devices, I need to tell you that the app is not a smartphone version of the game. That means you can’t play MW3 on the go. The app is designed to allow you to customize your load out while on the go so your character will be ready to fight when you get back to the full game. The load out customization has just about all the things you can customize in the game. That means you can customize your weapons, perks, and kill streaks. The app will be a free download and will be free to use. If you subscribe to Call of Duty Elite, you will get more features than those that just download the free app. Considering what a new game goes for today all the features should be free in my opinion....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Imo instant messaging app for Android gets update

The geeks behind the multi-chat service app imo have announced a new update for the app that is now available to download. The update adds some interesting new features to the app. If you aren’t familiar with imo for Android the app allows you to take all those IM apps that you use to chat with people and combines them into one place. The app supports Skype, GTalk, MSN, ICQ/AIM, Yahoo, Jabber,, Hyves, Myspace, Facebook, Google Talk, and Jabber.The new update brings some interesting features with a new easier to use UI. The chat history is now viewable and searchable from inside the app. You can also have chat groups set up. The chat groups will work with people on different devices included from the web, Android phones, the iPad,...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Firefox for Android Tablets Unveiled

One of the most popular browsers by Mozilla is coming to Android Tablets. We already have Firefox for Android but it currently only officially supports phones. Today on the Mozilla blog they’ve announced what I’ve heard a few times being called “fennecomb”. This is Firefox for Android honeycomb tablets folks.Firefox for tablets is an evolution of its phone based predecessor, with some added UI enhancements and changes that will take full advantage of the larger screens added real estate. With awesome tabbed browsing features that work great in both portrait, or landscape mode this will truly be a great browser for mobile devices. Themed nicely along with Android 3.0 Honeycomb it has the same drop down menu’s up top for easy access...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Epson expands iPrint app to cover Android smartphones and tablets

Epson has been in the printer market for a very long time. Over the last few years, the company has been rolling out print services to allow the smartphone user to get documents off their mobile phones and onto the printer rather than having things stuck on the phone. To start with, Epson offered print services for iOS devices leaving Android out in the cold.Epson has now announced that it has expanded its iPrint services to cover Android smartphones with a new app that is on the Android Market. The app allows printing from the Android device to any Epson wireless enabled printer. Support for online services like, Dropbox, and Evernote is also integrated. The app also supports printing from Android tablets and allows document...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dell Makes It Even Easier To Hand Over Your Hard Earned Cash With Its New Mobile App

Have you ever been out-and-about and suddenly realized that you needed to order a computer from Dell? Well, you'll never have to deal with the panic that can ensue from such a situation ever again -- now you can just grab your Android phone, fire up the official Dell app, and order away! You can basically order anything Dell related from the app; everything from TVs to laptops, cameras, printers, and monitors, all on the go. The app also allows you to compare up to three items side-by-side, read product reviews and ratings, track your order status, manage your account, and contact a Dell rep through email or by phone. The app also gives you direct access to support forums, videos, and FAQs, which could come in handy if you only have...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Google+ Android App Updated: Improves Notifications, Reshare, Adds 38 languages

Google has just pushed out yet another update for the popular Google+ Android application with some much needed improvements. The list is quite large and a good start indeed but the last update aimed to fix notifications but those are still a bit buggy for me. One of the biggest improvements I see right away is the +mentions now autofill from your Circles. Something that worked great online but was not as easy on the mobile application.They claimed to have added stability and improvements to the notification system so hopefully that works better than before, support for over 38 new languages for the Android app have also been integrated. The biggest improvement in my opinion is that we now can do +mentions that populate from your circles....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Qik Premium Goes Live in the Android Market

As of today, Qik’s premium video streaming service is now available to all Android users. Qik Premium picks up on the free versions live video chat services and adds in features including the ability to download and save video, desktop sync via Qik Desktop, HD and 3D video, the ability to send and receive video mail, and a priority customer support channel.But all of these great features will cost you. After an initial 30 day free period Qik Premium’s services will cost you $4.99 per month. You can find the updated app in the Android Market now.Android Market Link: Qik ch_client = "simransingh"; ch_width = 336; ch_height = 280; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = "Chitika Default"; ch_backfill = 1; ch_color_site_link = "#000000"; ch_color_title...

Google Docs Updated, Adds 46 new languages and image attachments

It looks like everyone’s favorite documents application for Android we all know as Google Docs received a little update today. It’s all about that cloud-based web functionality here. The main feature in the update today is the ability to quickly and easily upload photos to Google Docs and the web clipboard. This is a great feature for mobile users and something we can use on-the-go with ease.Now from in the app or conveniently on the Android widget users can select the camera and directly take a photo with their smartphone. Once the photo has been snapped you have three options. Upload files without conversion, Convert file to Google Docs format, and Send to Web Clipboard. Now from either your mobile device, or anywhere else you...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ESPN Fantasy Football Hits The Market Just In Time For Football Season

A couple of weeks ago, the official NFL Fantasy Football app landed in the Android Market, much to the delight of football fans across the nation. Today, ESPN has released its official Fantasy Football app, allowing you to manage your team on-the-go. The app offers full team management for multiple teams and leagues, lets you add, drop, and trade players; real-time stats and scoring, push notifications for injuries, substitutions, and scoring updates; as well as fantasy news and access to your team's message board. The app is free for all, so hit the widget below to grab it. ESPN Fantasy Football 2011 ch_client = "simransingh"; ch_width = 336; ch_height = 280; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = "Chitika Default"; ch_backfill = 1;...

Swype Beta 3.25 Now Available with Copy/Paste Features and more [Video]

Today the latest version of the popular Swype keyboard for Android has been released to beta testers. While many have probably seen or heard about it already I’ll be posting the videos below for you all to see the new features in action. The update is available right now over at the Swype’s beta webpage and so far I’m actually really liking the copy and paste features as well as gestures.Many phones already have some version of copy and paste features built in, especially HTC Sense UI phones but the new system in which Swype has done it makes things even easier. No longer to you have to remove your finger from the keyboard and tap copy, then hold down and wait for the pop-up and hit paste. It’s all quick and easy using sliding gestures...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Samsung Mobile Releases Official Unpacked IFA App

If for some reason you’re just going crazy over Samsung Mobile Unpacked set to take place in just under a couple of short weeks, Samsung’s got more goods for you. If you’re planning on attending IFA and Samsung Mobile Unpacked, there’s an app for you. And even if you aren’t, this app’s for you. It’s the official Unpacked app and it well help you stay up to date on everything Samsung announces and shows at the conference.For those attending, an event map and schedule will come in handy. And for everyone else, you’ll get new product updates, press releases and a live stream of the event right on your Android handset. A free download so take care of that in the Android market and be on the lookout for an update on September 1st (the day...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

44 Best (And 1 WTF) New Android Apps And Live Wallpapers From The Last 2 Weeks (8/3/11 - 8/18/11)

Welcome to the weekly roundup of the best new Android applications, games, and live wallpapers that went live in the Market or were spotted by us in the previous 2 weeks or so.This is the app roundup. The game roundup from this week can be found here and the tablet app roundup here.Please wait for this page to load in full in order to see the AppBrain widgets, which include ratings and pricing info.AppsTeamSpeakTeamSpeak software enables groups of people to speak with one another over any platform or operating system. For over 10 years TeamSpeak has become among the preferred voice chat solutions for online gamers, friends and family, and small businesses world-wide. Most TeamSpeak users typically connect to their guild or clan's TeamSpeak...