Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

Gameloft Weekend Sale Starts NOW – All Games Only 99 Cents

Gameloft’s weekend sale is in full effect dropping the price of every single one of their paid titles in the Android Market to a mere 99 cents. If you’re first instinct is to jump on their newly released Modern Combat 3 (you’re not alone), Gameloft did mention that although currently excluded form the promotion, the title will also drop it’s $7 price tag but will only be available for 24 hours at $1. No word on exactly which day that will occur so you can either check the Market everyday or like/follow them on Facebook/Twitter for updates. In the meantime, you can drool over the trailer below. Must resist…. buying every…… game… [Gameloft Market Lin...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Krispy Kreme App for Android Helps You Get ‘Em While They’re Hot

A Krispy Kreme doughnut is best enjoyed while the sugary glaze coating the ring of deliciousness is still warm. If only there was some way to know exactly when the latest batch of gooey goodness is fresh from the oven. Wait, there is. It’s all thanks to the newly deployed Hot Light app for Android. The app locates the Krispy Kreme nearest you and alerts you when the “Hot Now” neon sign is alight, letting those near and far know that fresh doughnuts are rolling across the conveyors. Android Market Link: Hot Light [via AndroidCentra...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lastest Facebook app to hit the market

Wouldn't it be great if you ever met somebody while you were out at some place or function but you did not have the time to get her/him Facebook address? Well, you need not to worry about that anymore for these kind of situation. Add Friend (Facebook) app for Android is now available to help you make friends within few seconds. Using NFC (Near Filed Communication) technology Friend (Facebook) app allows to add new friends. Both party have to open the Friend (Facebook) app and just need to Touch the 2 mobiles back-to-back and it will open the his/her Facebook profile then just tap “Add”. Make a new friend no matter where your at.........

Weather Underground App for Android and iPhone Launched

If you are interested in the weather forecast beyond what you read in the papers or see on TV, you definitely know about Weather Underground, the first online weather service. Now Weather Underground has free applications for Android and iOS.Following the appropriate market link below you will be able to download the new Weather Underground apps for your phone. We already looked at the iOS iteration in our latest iOS App Picks episode but for those who missed it, the application brings the "most reliable and in-depth weather data for locations across the world". Current conditions, forecasts, interactive maps, commentary, check them all out by downloading the app from the links below.Source: Android Market, App StoreVia: PhoneArena...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dropbox supporting Android 4.0 optimizations hits Android Market

The Dropbox team has updated their Android app for 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) optimization and added some great new features. To name a few, the Favorites tab offers quick offline access to files, multiple uploads of photos and videos are now available, renaming files and folders now works, and single-tab access to all file and folder actions functions properly. Until now, this version has been sitting over on the Dropbox forums to allow users to publicly test it out to make sure it was ready for prime time. And after two days, it finally is. Just navigate over to the Android Market for a quick update or initial download. The improved and polished gallery view is a step up as well – so be sure to check it out. But when all is said...

EA’s Real Racing 2 hits the Android Market — looks amazing

EA has just released their newest and best racing game yet in Real Racing 2. In case you’ve never heard of the first one that is because it wasn’t available in the Android Market so many users never played that decently fun game. Real Racing 2 brings things to a new level and brings tons of racing awesomeness to the palm of your hand. EA is calling this “the most hotly anticipated racing game ever made for Android”. Hopefully it lives up to that line, see the video and screenshots below to get a better idea of what to expect. The video preview below makes it look very impressive and I can’t wait to give this game a try myself. It’s currently free but they want plenty of in-app payments to keep things going but it’s worth a quick try...

Grand Theft Auto 3 Goes on Sale for $3, Adds Galaxy Nexus Support

The fine folks at Rockstar are giving us a nice gift for the holidays. While this gift doesn’t come free it does come at a reduced price that we absolutely can’t be mad at. It’s the Android version of Grand Theft Auto 3, of course, and it can be had for just $10 until the 29th. The classic sandbox crime series got its 3D start with this game on the Playstation. Fast forward to now and you can blow cars up and extort people for money on your smartphone. And for those on a Galaxy Nexus, you’ll finally be able to enjoy the game on the beautiful 4.65 inch HD display as they’ve added support for the phone with this update. Go ahead and grab the game from the Android Market here before Claude shows up at your doorstep. [via Droid-Life]...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Real Racing 2 Speeds Into The Android Market – Leaves Part 1 In The Dust

Electronic Arts has just released another arcade racing title in the Android Market with Real Racing 2. If you’re wondering why you never heard of part 1 well, that’s because it was only available for that other App Store until EA wised up. No matter. Real Racing 2 ups the ante from the previous version with absolutely insane visuals for Android devices, delivering ultra realistic environments and shiny car models. I mean, seriously — just look at those screenshots! The game allows you to jump behind the wheel of 30 different high-performance cars in 15 different locations around the globe. Jump quickly into a 15 car race with Quick Race mode or take your time with circuit racing in Career Mode — however you decide to play, you’ll...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Android apps see in-app purchase swell

65-percent of revenues for the top 200 Android apps come from in-app purchases, download store analysts Distimo have discovered, though the potential for making cash from Android software still pales in comparison to iOS. Meanwhile, Android is the place to go for free titles, holding a comfortable lead ahead of its rivals when it comes to freely-distributed software. iPhone apps in the top 200 make almost four times the revenue – looking at both upfront payment and in-app purchases – of Android’s top apps, while iPad apps make more than twice that of Android. Android holds the second spot for gaming options, too, with 46,045 titles in the US in comparison to the iPhone’s 79,077 and iPad’s 28,638. Angry Birds was the top app of 2011...

Android Firefox 9.0 launches with custom tablet layout

The entirely new and reworked version of Firefox that was teased back in the summer has launched on the Android Market today, introducing Mozilla’s new layout designed to give tablet users a more appropriate experience on their posh big devices. You get a bigger, bolder tabbing system, with completely different layout options depending on if you’re viewing in landscape or portrait mode, plus a tab-hiding full-screen option when it’s used in portrait. This is it: Looks quite a bit like Opera. There’s a video of the new tablet Firefox in action over on the Mozilla blog and the full release notes are here. Firefox 9.0 is on the Android Market here....

Getjar Gold Apps Sale – Over 100 Paid Apps For FREE

This is the season for sales! And I’m not just talking about clothes or gadgets but those sweet little apps you have running on your phone as well. Taking a note from Google’s sale, independent app market, Getjar, has begun offering up some of the hottest paid apps in Android and all for absolutely free. Getjar actually created a whole new site for their December Gold Apps catalog and it’s actually pretty fun. You scroll horizontally to see all the apps (horizontal is the new vertical) and can even jump to specific apps by clicking on the corresponding letters (pictured above). When you find an app that interests you, simply click on it and you’ll be taken to Getjar’s mobile site where you’ll have to download their app store to begin...

Celebrate New Years with the Official Times Square Ball Drop App

Celebrate New Years Eve in New York City and Times Square live right from your phone this year with the Time Square Official Ball App. Everyone celebrates the new year a little different but I’m sure everyone’s watched the NYC Ball drop a time or two. I used this last year and today the application has been updated with full support for 2012 in just 11 short days. The countdown has already started. Who is ready for 2012? In 2012 we’ll be seeing tons of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich quad-core phones and tablets — it will be a fun time for the world of Android that is for sure. What better way to celebrate then watching the NYC Ball drop right from your Android smartphone or tablet since we can’t all be lucky enough to live in the...

Dropbox Beta updated with ICS support, improved gallery, and bulk uploads

Everyone’s favorite cloud storage option for Android has just released their latest beta build. Currently the version available in the Android Market is the same one we all already use and love but today Dropbox has pushed their latest beta build over at the Dropbox forums. Complete with an overhauled UI that not only looks like ICS but fully supports it too. Download links and more details are available below. The Dropbox forum has posted a few awesome beta versions in the past but this latest release today is extremely nice and polished — but I do have one complaint. They added a bulk upload option but sadly they didn’t do the same for downloads. Being able to download all the files that aren’t in a select folder in bulk at once...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NFL Pro 2012 Now Available for Free in the Android Market

Following the launch of the third title in Gameloft’s Modern Combat series, they have launched another new game to the Android market: NFL Pro 2012. It’s an NFL football game adapted to the small (or medium, depending on what device you have) screen for football action on the go. It’s going up against a heavy hitter in Madden but considering that they are offering this game for the low cost of free, I can’t see why you wouldn’t download it and give it a shot at your earliest convenience. Hit the Android market up for the download. [via Android Central]...

Duke Nukem 3D is free for two days, still isn’t really free

When Duke Nukem 3D burst onto the Android Market back in November, fans of classic shoot-em-up gameplay couldn’t be happier. At least until they actually installed the game, and learned that you had to buy parts two and three separately, instantly turning a 99¢ game into a $2.99 one. Three bucks isn’t unreasonable for an Android game, but for a title that’s over fifteen years old, many users found the roundabout payment model a little sketchy. The fact that it also displayed ads (later removed) offended the sensibilities of the Android crowd, who are happy to either pay or deal with ads, but not both. Today Duke Nukem 3D is free in the Android Market, for today and tomorrow only. That gets you the normally $1 app, but as usual, it’s...

Word Press 2.0 Now Available For Android – New UI, Added Features, Tablet Support and More

Word Press for Android has been updated to version 2.0 in the Android. With the shiny new new version number comes a significant upgrade to the UI of Word Press, like an all new Dashboard and Quick Action Bar, giving users 1-click access to the most used functions in WP. Also new to this version is the inclusion of rich text formatting and better media features. Word Press for Android even has full tablet support, allowing you to take advantage of the extra screen real estate. Can’t say I expect the majority of our readers to find this as excited as we do — you know, having an Android blog and all — but for those of you that have used Word Press in the past (for whatever reason) this most likely comes as a very welcomed update. You...

Google+ Update hits the market with Hangout and UI improvements

Google+ is on our update radar again today and has just received the latest update from Google. Between the recent updates to photo tagging, hashtags, instant hangouts on mobile devices and more this is quickly becoming one of Google’s premiere apps. It received a large update last week so I’m surprised to see another so quick — but I’ll take it. Last weeks update brought the ability to start hangout (video chat) from mobile devices themselves and today they’ve added onto that much needed and awesome feature with the ability to start a video hangout from right inside a messenger conversation. Now users can instantly go from chatting to video chatting with ease. We also have the new layout for photo viewing that Google teased us about...

Light Flow – LED Control: The perfect app for Galaxy Nexus notifications

Just like the Nexus One before it Google has been kind enough to add something I think all smartphones should have to the Galaxy Nexus — and that is the LED notification light. Something so simple, small, and cheap makes a world of difference. Especially for people like me getting notifications and work emails all day long. For those wanting to get the most out of this awesome feature we have just the app for you.For many Nexus fans you might remember Trackball Alert Pro for the Nexus One. Light Flow – LED Control is a very similar application that will fully unlock the power of the multi-color LED on the Galaxy Nexus. With more settings, options, and colors than you’ll ever need it even works in succession. Yes that means if you have...

Gameloft unloads two more titles onto Android, Fantasy Town and NFL Pro 2012

Gameloft has released two additional titles onto the Android Market in the past few days aside from Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation. Both of these new games, called Fantasy Town andNFL Pro 2012, are available as free downloads on the Android Market.Both of these games sit on the opposite ends of the gaming spectrum when it comes to the type of game both of these new titles are. While one is obviously a football game, the other is a Sim City style of games based in a fantasy themes.Fantasy TownIn Fantasy Town you will be in charge of building your village just like any other type of Sim City game. However it doesn't end there as you are also able to guide your villagers to uncovering buried treasure, farming exotic plants, talk to villager and...