Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Word Press 2.0 Now Available For Android – New UI, Added Features, Tablet Support and More

Word Press for Android has been updated to version 2.0 in the Android. With the shiny new new version number comes a significant upgrade to the UI of Word Press, like an all new Dashboard and Quick Action Bar, giving users 1-click access to the most used functions in WP. Also new to this version is the inclusion of rich text formatting and better media features. Word Press for Android even has full tablet support, allowing you to take advantage of the extra screen real estate. Can’t say I expect the majority of our readers to find this as excited as we do — you know, having an Android blog and all — but for those of you that have used Word Press in the past (for whatever reason) this most likely comes as a very welcomed update.

You can find the all new and improved Word Press 2.0 for Android in the Market right now for free. Don’t forget to check out the video below to see all the features in action. Cheers.

[Market Link]