Friday, December 23, 2011

Grand Theft Auto 3 Goes on Sale for $3, Adds Galaxy Nexus Support

The fine folks at Rockstar are giving us a nice gift for the holidays. While this gift doesn’t come free it does come at a reduced price that we absolutely can’t be mad at. It’s the Android version of Grand Theft Auto 3, of course, and it can be had for just $10 until the 29th. The classic sandbox crime series got its 3D start with this game on the Playstation.

Fast forward to now and you can blow cars up and extort people for money on your smartphone. And for those on a Galaxy Nexus, you’ll finally be able to enjoy the game on the beautiful 4.65 inch HD display as they’ve added support for the phone with this update. Go ahead and grab the game from the Android Market here before Claude shows up at your doorstep. [via Droid-Life]