For many Nexus fans you might remember Trackball Alert Pro for the Nexus One. Light Flow – LED Control is a very similar application that will fully unlock the power of the multi-color LED on the Galaxy Nexus. With more settings, options, and colors than you’ll ever need it even works in succession. Yes that means if you have two notifications it will flash one, then move to the next and so on so you’ll never miss a beat — or color.

From duration, color, flash rate, sound this app has all the settings you’ll need. It supports third party apps like Handcent or email clients other than Gmail. On first boot it will recognize all capable applications and list them neatly so you can manage each one. It even offers status lights for low battery, charging levels, low signal, no signal and many many more. This truly is a all-in-one solution.
This is nothing new and Light Flow has been on the Android Market for a long time, I’ve used the free version briefly on my old myTouch 4G. This app reaches its full potential with the Nexus while bringing the Galaxy Nexus to the same level. The screenshots below show you a good glimpse of what to expect but don’t take my word for it — try the free version now, then buy the full paid app here when you see how awesome this truly is.
This is more than just a blue for text, red for Gmail, white for missed call type of application. You can set special patterns, ringtones, flashes and more for not just apps but also certain email addresses or contacts — Giving you the option to have a pink flashing light every time that special lady in your life shoots you a text message. Check out the screenshots below then head to the market link and download this today. Feel free to let us know how it goes in the comment section below. The app has plenty of settings but don’t get overwhelmed — it’s actually quite easy. Enjoy!
Market Link — Light Flow
Reminder: Disregard the warning that this application can collect user data and passwords. Just like 3rd party keyboards this is just an automated warning, and LED Control doesn’t have internet access anyways.