The Galaxy S II with 4G WiMAX will be available from the team in Yellow first, they get exclusive rights as the first Galaxy S II to the US. It will be rocking that awesome 4.52″ Super AMOLED Plus display, a 1.2 Ghz dual-core Samsung Exnyos processor, 16GB internal storage with 1GB Ram. a Powerful 8 MP rear camera with LED flash capable of 1080p video capture, 2MP front facing camera and more.
Galaxy S II Unveiling Video
As expected these will all be running on the latest Android 2.3 Gingerbread as well as an updated Samsung Touch Wiz UX. The video above is the quick unveiling live from the NYC event just for fun, call it a bonus. Samsung will also offer an HDTV adapter and dock for those looking to get HD content from the phone to their HDTV’s and should have those available soon. We are also hearing since they are the first carrier they’ll also be offering pre-orders so stay tuned for full details.
We are just getting some hands-on time now and will be sure to update with plenty of pictures and videos shortly, but you already knew that right?