Blackberry is rolling out an update to its Blackberry Priv Smartphone. As per the company the update focuses more on the security issues and it has updated Linux kernel with some security patches.
Blackberry stated about update in a offical blog post and said:
This advisory addresses an industry-wide elevation of privilege vulnerability that is not currently being exploited against, but affects, BlackBerry® PRIV smartphones. BlackBerry customer risk is limited by the inability of a potential attacker to force exploitation of the vulnerability without customer interaction. Successful exploitation requires an attacker craft a malicious application (app) and that a user install the malicious app. If the requirements are met for exploitation, an attacker could potentially gain locally elevated privileges. After installing the recommended software update, affected customers will be fully protected from this vulnerability.
If you guys have received the update then share any changes that you met via comments form below. Also if you didn’t received it then wait or manually check by heading to the Settings menu and then update to check the update.
Blackberry Priv Receives Security Update