Motorola announced that Moto 360 Sport will be launched in India on April 27. Motorola India has put up a teaser on Twitter hinting at a launch on April 27 with the caption — “#WhatsYourExcuse to not wake up for the morning cricket match? 3 more days to go for Moto 360 Sport!”. However Moto 360 2nd gen is already launched in India later in 2015.
Specs of Moto 360 Sport
- 1.37-inch AnyLight Hybrid Display with 360 x 325 resolution, 263ppi
- 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor
- 512MB of RAM
- 4GB of onboard storage
- 300mAh battery
- 45 x 45 x 11.5mm, 54g
- IP67 dust and water resistance
As Moto 360 2nd gen price get reduced by INR 1500 in India. Moto 360 Sport will also come’s with the price tag around INR 20,000.
Moto 360 Sport is coming to India on April 27