Lucky for us the developer rori~ is always updating and keeping track of his MOD so it always seems to be working perfect. For those looking for a good statusbar mod but can’t find one that is almost always compatible with nightly CM7 builds. This MOD is for you. If you read the thread Rori mentions that it should work with all CM7 Nightly’s after the RC1. He also has confirmed it working perfectly with these said phones but should work for all official CM7 phones:
* LeoGingerBread
* Nexus S
* G2
* Desire
* Incredible
* MyTouch 4G
* Nexus One
The new design includes:
* Gingerbread themed icons
* Moved carrier name, added 3D text
* Ongoing notification, fm.radio, download status text is white
* Moved & edited clear button, added 3D text
* New scrolling bar
Not only does it look excellent, but he also gives you a few options on how it will look. The image above you can see the “Clear” button now spans the entire bottom. That is how I have mine. If you’d like it how it was on the side only, rori~ has also included that version as well. Use file HDPI_v1.5F for the full clear bar, and v1.5L for it on the left like default. For more information you can check out the thread over on the XDA Forums. As always with a MOD or a Zip, Do a nandroid backup first and use Caution.
Latest Download Files:
* PulldownMod_HDPI_v1.5F.zip
* PulldownMod_HDPI_v1.5L.zip
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