Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quick Look At Today’s Free Amazon App – Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim

As the heading says, Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim is the Amazon App Stores free app of the day.
In this real-time strategy game, you start off as the newly crowned king, Raynald II, who takes the task to rid the kingdom of rats, which under the previous king (your father) named these same rats, “untouchable holy animals”. Each level of the game you are required to complete various tasks. This includes creating guilds for wizards and warriors, marketplaces, and other buildings. Within the buildings you can purchase heroes. You cannot directly command the heroes/units, but you can bribe them with money to take on tasks. All in taking strides to rid your kingdom of these rats. To beat each level you must find certain building to reach your objective. Hit the break for more, and even a video preview from HeroCraft.

The game take a bit of getting use to, while learning the UI. The soundtrack is great wich make the game better, and the graphics are pretty good, definitely brightly colored, and looked very vibrant on my Evo 4G. As I haven’t played through the game completely, but it has an enjoyable storyline, and simple enough to folow along as you play.
If this is a game you’d like to give a try head over to the Amazon App Store and download Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, which is free all day today, a great discount from its regular price of $1.99.


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