Lets Find out Which is the best? There are many phones around the world which run on Android. But there are only some which are
Read more: http://www.goandroid.co.in/#ixzz1td0E6eCQ
With the launch of the much awaited Android 4.0 Ice cream sandwich operating environment for smartphones, the top mobile companies are cashing in on its hype by releasing their phones in the beaming market.
The HP TouchPad has become quite a hot topic in the Android community as of late, thanks to its ultra-low price tag and superb hardware specs. Several dev teams have already stepped forward to announce plans to port Android to the device, while at least two devices have already been sold with developer builds of Android intact right out of the box. One of the lucky owners of said Android-ified TouchPads, jiwanish, has been so kind as to provide a full system dump to RootzWiki, allowing devs to make some real progress on the Android TouchPad front. The build is Android 2.2.1, and is most definitely a test version from the Qualcomm Innovation Center, as it shows the logo upon bootup.
We should start to see some major advancements on the port at this point, especially considering the $2100 bounty that's on the line for whoever can provide a working port.
To download the system dump, head over to RootzWiki!