Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Google Maps updated with bubble buttons, Transit Notifications and more

Google has just updated the Google Maps Application for Android to version 5.9.0 and with it comes many improvements to transit navigation, new labs features and more. One that may be really helpful to many in the big cities is transit navigation notifications but that is still in beta with this latest update.

Google has been updating many of their apps as of late and Google Maps just keeps getting better and better. Here is the small but nice list of new features you can expect with the new Google Maps.
-Voice and ring tone notifications for Transit Navigation (Beta)
-Tablet support for Transit Navigation (Beta)
-’Bubble Buttons’ Lab to add call and navigate buttons to results on the map (see above)
I know the transit navigation BETA is a great feature and relied on it heavily in my recent trips to NYC, being able to have notifications alert me so I never miss another subway is a huge additional and I can’t wait to try it out. In case you haven’t tried any of the “Labs” in the settings menu I suggest you give it a look. The “Bubble Buttons” are convenient popups that will show when you select a store or a location on a map. The bubble gives you instant access to navigation or even to call the store and more. I’ve been using that for months but now its officially included.
There are a few new features to play with in the Labs too so be sure to check those out, report anything fun in the comments below, and be sure to head over to the market and get this latest update if it didn’t already update automatically.
[via Android Market]


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