Monday, October 3, 2011

ACME Installer demo shows off Android/WebOS dual-boot on HP TouchPad

There are geeks working hard out there to get Android onto the HP TouchPad that failed so brilliantly. The future of WebOS might be murky and the future of updates is something that many that own the TouchPad may be worrying about. With a port that allows Android to run on the TouchPad the little HP tablet would get a second life and more usability for the average geek. A video has landed on YouTube that shows a demo of ACME Installer with dual boot for the TouchPad.

The demo shows a geek with the ACME Installer mounting the TouchPad to a Mac and then moving some needed files over to the tablet. Once the files are over on the TouchPad, the files can be executed. To do this they create a folder called cminstall, copy a zip file over, and use the novacom program to start the ACME installer.
It doesn’t take that long to get Cyanogen 7 running on the tablet and you can swap back to WebOS whenever you want. The addition of the new OS needs only three files including the ACME installer, novacom, and cm-update payload file. The video points out that the demo doesn’t mean the ACME installer is close to release though. The Cyanogenmod was benchmarked not long ago.
Thanks for the tip Tony.
