Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Motorola will bring Ice Cream Sandwich devices to market 6 weeks after Google [Update]

Well, according to Motorola’s official Twitter account we will be seeing Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich devices from the company just 6 weeks after Google launches and releases it. Maybe they’ve had a little extra prep time now that Google aims to take control of Motorola Mobility, we don’t know but either way this is good news.

The tweet doesn’t reveal much, and quite often these comments on Twitter by big companies quickly get updated when someone makes a mistake (not saying this is or isn’t). We are just glad to hear this fast of a turn around might actually be possible from Motorola. Here is what the official tweet had to say:

When asked if the Atrix would receive 4.0 ICS the answer above is what was given, that is a good sign although we’ve recently heard the new DROID RAZR wont get 4.0 until early 2012 but that is a little longer than 6 weeks — just saying. We could be looking a bit deep with this comment and even though it was a reply to a device update they mention “releasing” devices with Ice Cream Sandwich soon, not updating. Most likely they are referring to a few tablets we’ve recently seen at the FCC but with a comment so bleak it’s really anyone’s guess.
Update: Motorola has now sent out another message on twitter now that a few users have started to ask questions regarding the above tweet. They seem to have confirmed that the Bionic, RAZR and Xoom will all get 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich within 6 weeks of Google releasing it. We aren’t really sure if they mean they’ll actually update these devices 6 weeks after ICS launches, or if they’ll just announce dates for when the updates will actually be available. 6 weeks from the end of November is early 2012, so we should be seeing some updates or at least hearing some news by then. Thanks Motorola!


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