Monday, December 12, 2011

10 Billion Apps promo, day 6: BackStab HD, Captain America, and SimCity Deluxe for 10¢

Google’s 10 Bilion Apps celebration rolls on to its sixth day, with another crop of 10¢ apps dominated by popular gaming titles. As the Android Market passed an astonishing 10 billion total app downloads, Google has partnered with the top developers in the Android world to price their apps at an impulse-buying 10 cents/pence, with ten featured apps every day until this coming Wednesday. Today’s highlights include BackStab HD, Captain America, and SimCity Deluxe.

Here’s the full list of new discounted apps: NFL 3D Live Wallpaper, SimCity Deluxe, Just Me and My Mom (an interactive kids’ book based on the popular “Little Critter” series), BackStab HD, Jenga, Raging Thunder, Backbreaker Football, and Captain America. Endomondo and Great Little War Game were both featured on previous days. Check them all out by going to the Android Market home page on your device, or click here for the web version. Yesterday’s discounted apps are still available, but not for long – hurry up if you want them!
As Google demonstrated, games make up the largest portion of Android Market’s downloaded apps, so it’s understandable why they’re focusing on the segment for these discounts. If you try to download today’s apps right away you may run into problems due to a massive demand on Google’s servers, but they’ll likely help you out… perhaps even giving you the apps for free. If you’d rather not deal with the hassle, just wait until this evening (tomorrow morning for Europe) and you can probably get them with no trouble.