Almost a month ago, Telegram updated its platform with a box full of new features. Once again, the app is getting refreshed with several new additions. But the major one to notice is that unlimited users can participate while video calling and live streaming in a channel. Keep scrolling to know the rest of them.
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In addition to this, participants can also raise their hands and contribute to the conversation if allowed. The other features in Telegram include “flexible forwarding.” This will allow the user to show or hide the caption and sender before forwarding the picture. In case you accidentally tapped the wrong chat, the "Preview" window will allow you to change the recipient.

The other addition enables the user to jump to the next channel. While scrolling to the end of one channel, you will see a prompt that needs to be swiped up to enter the next unread channel. The process repeats if there's another channel left for reading.
The other minor changes include new animated emoji, trending stickers, larger previews for sticker suggestions, and unread comment counters in channels.
The previous update for the Telegram version7.9.0 arrived with a dozen of exciting new features. This includes animated emojis, auto-delete, video playback speed, group video call new drawing tools, screen sharing with sound, and much more. To know these features in detail with the others, visit our dedicated article.
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