Tuesday, December 20, 2011

DROID X gets a CyanogenMod 9 ICS port, despite locked bootloader

The DROID X remains one of the most popular models of Android phones on Verizon, and no one who bought one on a contract back in 2010 (like me!) is eligible for an upgrade any time soon. So it’s great to see an active modding community around this solid phone, despite Motorola and Verizon’s continued stance on a locked bootloader. The latest project from RootzWiki for the venerable DX is a port of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

That’s no small task, as the Droid X is still restricted to using the latest Gingerbread kernel from Motorola. That means that while newer ROMs can use the Ice Cream Sandwich software and expanded user interface, certain upgraded features are just impossible, and getting anything to work correctly is a major pain. Most of the essential features of the CM9-based “EncounterICS X” are working, including Internet access and calling, GPS, WiFi, audio and hardware buttons. There are still problems getting the camera, voice input (excluding phone calls), MMS and the speakerphone to work, and various apps like the gallery and calendar have major bugs.
These issues keep this early ROM from being a serious contender for your daily driver, but it’s still very cool to see ICS running on “locked” hardware. The lads over at RootzWiki are nothing if not tenacious, and most of these issues should see progress in the next few weeks. And after all, it’s not as if the official Ice Cream Sandwich software is completely without it’s faults. Remember: make an Nandroid backup if you don’t want to lose your existing ROM!

Android Revolution HD ROM 2.2.1 on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus

Though still a work in progress, mike1986 has brought Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GSM/LTE) owners his popular Android Revolution HD ROM. I myself have been running this 2.1.1 build without any problems so far. Actually, it is a great improvement over the stock ROM; battery life has improved, and screen transition effects are performed much smoother. The phone is initially very fast, but after installation I’ve only seen an improvement – no hiccups.

Here are a few screenshots of my homescreen; the stock launcher still comes standard with this release, but I can’t seem to veer away from ADW EX. Now it may sound silly, but the main reason I rooted my device is to install a tiny 1% battery mod patch found within the battery icon in the status bar. The only way to install this mod is to have a deodexed ROM so that’s the main reason I went ahead with the ARHD installation. This build still has the original kernel included in the official Android 4.0.2 update devices were just updated with, so don’t expect to undervolt/overclock your device quite yet (on the LTE version at least). For the GSM model however, Paul O’Brien has you covered.

I’ll periodically update with significant improvements that arise within the Galaxy Nexus LTE development community, so stick with us. Installing this ROM was relatively simple, and the instructions were very straightforward. Just download the ROM to your device via MTP, run his “Super Wipe” script from within ClockworkMod, and the install the ROM. I advise running “Super Wipe” even if coming from his 2.1.0 version – I experienced glitchy behavior when I didn’t. The development for Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus has really started strong, and hopefully the trend continues.
[via XDA Developers]

Google+ Update hits the market with Hangout and UI improvements

Google+ is on our update radar again today and has just received the latest update from Google. Between the recent updates to photo tagging, hashtags, instant hangouts on mobile devices and more this is quickly becoming one of Google’s premiere apps. It received a large update last week so I’m surprised to see another so quick — but I’ll take it.

Last weeks update brought the ability to start hangout (video chat) from mobile devices themselves and today they’ve added onto that much needed and awesome feature with the ability to start a video hangout from right inside a messenger conversation. Now users can instantly go from chatting to video chatting with ease. We also have the new layout for photo viewing that Google teased us about a few weeks back. Showing a much simpler and more refined layout similar to what we’ve been seeing with Ice Cream Sandwich.
From my screenshot above you can clearly see the changes to the photo viewing tab but if you’re not careful it will automatically instantly upload every photo from your phone right to Google+. I quickly opted out of that option as I’d only like to share a select few things personally. Google’s also added new icons so users know what photos are new in the instant uploaded list, we can leave one-on-one messenger conversation now too and more. At this rate Google+ will be one amazing application in just a few short months because they seem to be bringing awesome features every few weeks. Get the update available now or head to the market link below.
Market Link — Google+

Nova Launcher brings much-needed options to the ICS home screen

No doubt about it, the fancy new launcher is one of the highlights of Ice Cream Sandwich’s revised user interface. The default launcher has plenty of new animations, a revised app drawer that combines with a widget placement engine, and automatic folders that make grouping your apps easier than ever. But it’s still extremely light on customization, just like all the stock launchers beforehand. Enter Nova Launcher, a quickly-created customization of the launcher found in Ice Cream Sandwich’s open source code.

Nova Launcher looks almost exactly like the Galaxy Nexus stock launcher, but brings a host of options and settings to play around with. There’s the ever-popular landscape mode, a scrolling dock to allow more than just 5 pinned applications, and the ability to resize all widgets – not just the ones with the feature baked into ICS. I’m a big fan of the ability to remove labels from icons. Since ICS goes without a menu option on its native interface, the settings menu is moved to the app drawer.
You’ve got two options for installing Nova Launcher: download the APK file from this XDA-Developers thread, and install it like any non-Market application. Or root users can flash a ZIP file with ClockworkMod. The only difference is that root users will get the nifty widget menu as part of the app drawer. The app relies on various Ice Cream Sandwich APIs, so unfortunately there’s no way for Gingerbread users to join in on the fun. If you want to approximate ICS on an older phone, try the latest version of ADWLauncher EX.
The developer is already updating quickly, and a few of Nova Launcher’s early bugs have been squashed. You can now treat the formerly locked Google search bar as any other widget, for example. Try it out on your new Galaxy Nexus or an ICS ROM, and tell us what you think in the comments!

Apple shouts, ITC jumps: HTC imports banned by April 2012

In a blow for Android, not to mention the free market, innovation and common sense, the United States International Trade commission has ruled in Apple’s favor in its case against HTC’s Android devices. Certain devices, not currently articulated, will be illegal to import into the United States as of April 19, 2012. The two companies may reach a patent settlement, or President Obama may veto the order.

Apple brought forth its case based on several patents, but the one that it won the patent case one is a system level patent, according to The Verge. The injunction will go to the desk of President Obama, who will have sixty days to veto the motion or sign it. (He’s a Blackberry guy, so we’ll call him neutral in this case.) Vetos against an ITC decision are rare, but something tells me that this case will receive particular attention.
What happens now? Normally when two large companies come to blows over patents, a licensing deal is hammered out before it actually stops sales or imports. And that may indeed happen – but if anyone is poised to buck the trend in patent litigation, it’s Apple. The company refused to settle with Samsung in their Australian patent case, forcing a long and drawn out system of appeals.
It was revealed in the recent autobiography of late apple co-founder Steve Jobs that he was furious over perceived theft of intellectual property in Android, and declared that he would “spend my last dying breath if I need to…I’m going to destroy Android because it’s a stolen product.” Apple’s non-cooperative and litigious actions in Australia and Germany seem to be in line with that imperative. Apple eventually lost the Australian case on appeal, and Samsung’s tablets are once again on sale down under.

AT&T and T-Mobile call it quits — wont be merging after all

AT&T has just issued a statement today outlining what many probably already saw coming. And that is that they have decided to call it quits and end the bid for a T-Mobile buyout. This was by far one of the biggest corporate deals this year, especially in the mobile industry but at the moment it appears to be dead in the water — and for good. More details and the official statement are below.

Earlier this year AT&T proposed a $39 billion dollar buyout of T-Mobile USA and since the announcement it has been under a heavy amount of scrutiny. This came from all angles by Sprint, and even the US Government. I had a feeling things wouldn’t be ending on a good note and today it appears that is exactly what is happening. Don’t worry though because they still get a big piece of cash at the end of the day. We’ve covered this story so much in the recent past that I had almost stopped reporting the small updates — although today’s new is a bit more important.
Here’s the official statement from AT&T earlier today:
The actions by the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Justice to block this transaction do not change the realities of the U.S. wireless industry. It is one of the most fiercely competitive industries in the world, with a mounting need for more spectrum that has not diminished and must be addressed immediately. The AT&T and T-Mobile USA combination would have offered an interim solution to this spectrum shortage. In the absence of such steps, customers will be harmed and needed investment will be stifled.”
T-Mobile will still cash in on the breakup fee that was discussed earlier this year (around $4-6 billion), but this isn’t good news for either party. AT&T has stated they’ve already set aside the 4 billion they’ll owe T-Mobile USA but we are still slowly getting the details as this entire story is just breaking. Feel free to read up on all the details on this merger from our timeline below. We should be hearing more from both parties sometime soon.

Light Flow – LED Control: The perfect app for Galaxy Nexus notifications

Just like the Nexus One before it Google has been kind enough to add something I think all smartphones should have to the Galaxy Nexus — and that is the LED notification light. Something so simple, small, and cheap makes a world of difference. Especially for people like me getting notifications and work emails all day long. For those wanting to get the most out of this awesome feature we have just the app for you.

For many Nexus fans you might remember Trackball Alert Pro for the Nexus One. Light Flow – LED Control is a very similar application that will fully unlock the power of the multi-color LED on the Galaxy Nexus. With more settings, options, and colors than you’ll ever need it even works in succession. Yes that means if you have two notifications it will flash one, then move to the next and so on so you’ll never miss a beat — or color.

From duration, color, flash rate, sound this app has all the settings you’ll need. It supports third party apps like Handcent or email clients other than Gmail. On first boot it will recognize all capable applications and list them neatly so you can manage each one. It even offers status lights for low battery, charging levels, low signal, no signal and many many more. This truly is a all-in-one solution.
This is nothing new and Light Flow has been on the Android Market for a long time, I’ve used the free version briefly on my old myTouch 4G. This app reaches its full potential with the Nexus while bringing the Galaxy Nexus to the same level. The screenshots below show you a good glimpse of what to expect but don’t take my word for it — try the free version now, then buy the full paid app here when you see how awesome this truly is.
This is more than just a blue for text, red for Gmail, white for missed call type of application. You can set special patterns, ringtones, flashes and more for not just apps but also certain email addresses or contacts — Giving you the option to have a pink flashing light every time that special lady in your life shoots you a text message. Check out the screenshots below then head to the market link and download this today. Feel free to let us know how it goes in the comment section below. The app has plenty of settings but don’t get overwhelmed — it’s actually quite easy. Enjoy!
Market Link — Light Flow
Reminder: Disregard the warning that this application can collect user data and passwords. Just like 3rd party keyboards this is just an automated warning, and LED Control doesn’t have internet access anyways.
Nexus LED-1 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-13-49 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-13-57 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-14-34 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-14-46 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-15-11 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-15-21 Screenshot_2011-12-19-13-15-50

Galaxy Nexus Ninja Unboxing turns into 8-bit video game

I have one word for this and that is: Awesome! If you remember, Google released similar videos for both the Google Nexus One and the Samsung Nexus S (both linked to below) and my personal favorite was the Nexus S. This new Ninja Unboxing part 3 might just take the cake — until part 4 of course. In the past they used stop motion animation for these awesome videos but this brings things to an entirely new level. Play the Galaxy Nexus video game today!

Yesterday Google teased everyone that something was coming for Android fans today and while many were starting to speculate on an update for the Nexus One to Ice Cream Sandwich (dreaming) or maybe some sort of Nexus Tablet instead we have this video/game. While it’s nothing major I’m still quite excited and after I finish sharing the news with all my fellow followers and readers I’ll be sure to get back into my ninja suit and beat the game myself.

Yes, the unboxing turns into an 8bit Atari-style video game that is completely awesome. Basically you need to head down to YouTube immediately and play it by clicking here. Make sure to come back to Android Community though and see all of our coverage of the Galaxy Nexus and past unboxing videos from the timeline neatly laid out below.
Enjoy Ninjas!

Motorola DROID RAZR update brings fixes for camera, data connection and more

Motorola and Verizon started testing a new update for the DROID RAZR early last week that was said to bring a slew of fixes and improvements to the razor sleek phone, and today it appears to be ready to slice and dice. Verizon has just outlined all the information and has let us know the update is on the way and users should be seeing the over the air update very soon.

Some of the changes appear to be quite significant and should really help out this already awesome phone become even more stellar. We thoroughly enjoyed the RAZR and you can see all our coverage and full review from the detailed timeline below. According to the documents provided by Verizon the update should bring plenty of changes and a few of the important ones are:
— SIM error notification
— 3G/4G Data Connection stability and reliability
— Camera Improvements
— More
The full list of changes can be seen from the change log image below in the gallery. I must say I’m pretty pleased to see Moto and Verizon pushing an update out so quickly since the phone was just released — but I’m not complaining. It appears this 3G/4G connection problem is a reoccurring issue with Verizon and hopefully they get things squared away here eventually.
The recently released Verizon Galaxy Nexus seems to be struggling from even worse signal problems, so hopefully they get an update as fast — or faster. As usual for those with a RAZR feel free to wait for the update or give it a go manually be going to menu > settings > about phone > check for updates and then hit GO!
Feel free to drop us a comment below regarding the update and if all goes well.