WhatsApp is trying to make the platform more comfortable for the users. In the latest news, the company is bringing a new tab dedicated to its upcoming Communities feature. In addition, the beta will play around with the voice recording feature as well.
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The changes are a part of the latest WhatsApp beta for Android Although the features will not be accessible for users running the latest beta as it’s still under development. Talking about the community tab, it will replace the camera tab at the top of the app. The admins of the group can add specific groups to a ‘Community’ which will be listed under the section.
FYI, communities space will allow group admins to manage their groups better. Also, they'll be end-to-end encrypted. However, a piece of official information from WhatsApp is still awaited. Here's what the feature might look like.
Moreover, the WhatsApp beta for Android is bringing in the ability to pause and resume voice recordings. That means you don't need to discard the voice note in case of any distraction. In addition, the version will show voice waveforms while recording a message.
As mentioned, WhatsApp is yet to test these features on Android or iOS. The options will initially be available on beta versions. While it can take several weeks to make way for the stable channel once beta testing is complete.