Saturday, April 30, 2011

HTC Thunderbolt Receives Update With Enhanced 3G Connectivity and Messaging Fixes

Remember that new HTC Thunderbolt software that leaked a little over a week ago? It’s prepped and ready for installation, as Verizon has updated their support page to reflect the latest tweaks and enhancements that will hit their first 4G LTE handset. The main fix here is enhanced 3G data connectivity, which should alleviate some of the 4G/3G switching problems some users have experienced. Messaging fixes correct incorrectly displayed SMS and MMS messages. As is usual, expect this one to roll out over the next couple of weeks, so don’t panic if it doesn’t hit your handset this weekend. See the full release notes at the source link below, and let us know in the comments when you receive your update.
[via Verizon]