Friday, April 29, 2011

Quick Look at Today’s Free Amazon App: Fast Food Calorie Counter

While there are a ton of calorie counting apps on the Android Market, it’s kind of nice to see someone producing an app that will tell you what your caloric intake is as result of eating out at popular fast food chains.  This app just might be a trucker’s blessing.  Fast Food Calorie Counter allows you to keep track of calories from places like McDonald’s, Burger King, Domino’s and Dunkin Donuts, just to name a few.  The app supports info from 73 different restaurants and currently holds data for 9,141 menu items.  That should just about cover most of it if you like to eat on the go.  Get full nutritional info like calories, fat, fiber, protein and carbohydrates.  The app would normally run you  $2.99, but is free all day long thanks to our friends at Amazon.  Have a need for an app like this?  Let us know about it in the comments section and then head on over to our apps database for the download or hit up the QR code after the break.