Friday, August 12, 2011

Dell Streak 5 axed

Dell has quietly killed the Streak 5, its 5-inch Android tablet/smartphone hybrid. Confirmed on the company’s site - with the message “Goodbye, Streak 5. It’s been a great ride” – the decision follows various discounting drives on the tablet as well as stock shortages.

The Streak 5 was already over a year old, having been initially released in the UK on June 4 2010. It arrived with Android 1.6, which Dell had reskinned, but was later – and after some delays – upgraded to Android 2.2 Froyo. Despite vocal support from a minority subset of users, the Streak 5 failed to achieve mainstream success, perhaps because of its “tweener” scale – falling in-between a phone, the functionality of which it offered, and a tablet – and non-tablet-centric OS.
Dell still offers the Streak 7, it’s 7-inch slate, and is expected to release further Android tablets in the near future. They will likely run Honeycomb, Google’s tablet-specific OS, rather than the phone build that the Streak relied on.
[via SlashGear]