Friday, August 26, 2011

HP TouchPad Android 2.2.1 System Dump Files Now Available

The HP TouchPad has been getting a lot of attention as of late from the entire developer and Android communities. Once the TouchPad price dropped to $99 everyone started running wild with the hopes and dreams of one day soon running Android on said device. Just a day or two later we learned that Android ports were already under way and a few days later one was spotted running Android 2.2.1 out of the box, right from Best Buy.

In case anyone isn’t following the TouchPad Android progress there is also a video clearly showing the HP TouchPad running on Android 2.2.1 FroYo and I’ll post that below. It appears to be a QuIC (Qualcomm Innovation Center) developer unit that somehow managed to get boxed up and sold at Best Buy. Lucky for the entire android world the user was nice enough to get a full system dump of all the files to help out.

Now exclusively over at RootzWiki the files are available for download and the port of Android 2.2, 2.3, and hopefully 3.2 Honeycomb can all get a little head start. We mentioned more on this here once before but the port will be called TouchDroid and the amount of support and developers keeps growing by the day. I have a feeling we will be seeing Android on the HP TouchPad sooner rather than later.
[via Android Police]