Thursday, September 8, 2011

Apple sues Samsung in Japan

Apple’s legal department must be a darned good one – with tentacles all over the globe, especially now that we have just heard that Apples’ legal eagles have descended upon the Land of the Rising Sun, and will be suing the pants off Samsung Electronics in that corner of the world. The accusation? Patent violations concerning both the iPhone and the iPad, which is starting to prove annoying. First it was Germany, then Europe, and now the fight has come all the way to Japan. Where else next? The continent of Africa?

Apple’s suit was filed with the Tokyo District Court, where the California-based company wants to stop selling Samsung Galaxy phones in Japan, in addition to adding another $1.3 million into their coffers as compensation for damages. The first hearing was held yesterday, and it remains to be seen just how the entire event is going to pan out in the end.

What do you think of all this? Will Samsung be able to pull something out of their hat in order to fend off the seemingly relentless pursuit of Apple, chasing them all over the globe?


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