Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ASUS TOUGH Android Honeycomb 7″ tab hits Japan

We’ve seen plenty of smartphones over the recent past released that are tough, water resistant, and can handle most situations but we haven’t seen many for Android Honeycomb tablets. Today ASUS has unveiled the ASUS TOUGH ETBW11AA Tablet. The ASUS TOUGH is both water, and dust resistant, and comes with 4G WiMAX as well an impressive 1280×800 resolution all on that 7″ frame.

Coming in with a pretty unique form factor it does have some usual specs. Such as the NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core 1 GHz processor, 1GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. We can expect Android 3.2 Honeycomb because of the 7″ 1280 x 800 resolution display. While this isn’t the thinnest tablet around (see photo below) it does look to be able to handle just about any situation given all that added “protection” if you ask me.

Along with a huge 7,400 mAh battery it also features Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EVDO Rev.A and GPS, along with mini-USB, micro-SD and a 5-megapixel camera. It’s said to be able to survive 76cm drops onto straight concrete and live to tell about it, as well as remain fully in-tact. Instead of calling this Iron clad we’ll just say rubber clad, coming in around 215 x 132 x 20-22.2 mm and weighing 620g on the scales. All that protection comes with a price — and that is the size.
With a battery that will last all day, and a tablet handling all conditions this should be great for those out and about, especially those on-site construction type workers. The ASUS TOUGH ETBW11AA 7″ Honeycomb tablet should be available in Japan this November but we have no details yet on pricing.
asus_etbw11aa_tablet_1-580x452 asus_etbw11aa_tablet_2 [via SlashGear]