Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ASUS Transformer 2′s price to remain the same

One of the reasons why the HP TouchPad did so well after HP had announced their plans to discontinue webOS, was due to its massive price cut, which saw the webOS tablet drop to a mere $99 for the base model, which was a price even cheaper than certain digital photo frames! Amazon too decided to follow suit and announced that their Kindle Fire would only cost $199, even going as far as losing $10 per tablet sold.
Now if you were expecting this particular strategy to start being adopted by other tablet manufacturers, you may be in for a disappointment. While market watchers had expected ASUS to follow suit with their upcoming Eee Pad Transformers 2 tablet, the company’s CEO Jerry Shen stated that they had no plans on reducing the tablet’s price. The ASUS Eee Pad Transformer 2 is expected to go on sale for $499, which is priced similarly to the base model iPad 2.
However given that the first-generation Transformer did astonishingly well, it’s understandable that ASUS is confident that they will be able to achieve similar success with the Transformer 2 despite it being priced rather steeply. Only time will tell if ASUS’s strategy of sticking to their guns will pay off. No official word on when the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer 2 will be making an appearance.