The indefatigable modders at RootzWiki have released their second version of CyangonMod 7 for the HP TouchPad, which might be making its way into more consumers’ hands very soon. According to Liliputing, limited orders are shipping again from HP, filling out the rush of initial $99 and $149 orders from August. Apparently retailers aren’t getting any more stock, so it’s safe to put the camping tent and lawn chairs away.
The initial rush of orders when HP started its $99 firesale over-extended the PC maker’s supply, but since they already had some going through the manufacturing process, they finished out their production order. The latest batch is almost certainly the very last to ever be created or sold. In the unlikely event that the amount of new TouchPads made exceeds the amount that were oversold two months ago, keep an eye on HP’s web store in case a “buy” link appears.
Hp is still supporting WebOS in a backhanded sort of way – they released version 3.0.4 for the tablet just this week. But of more interest to Android users is the active CyanogenMod 7 Gingerbread port, which is progressing nicely. The second Alpha was released by the team just yesterday, although the large amount of bugs and difficult install process will deter all but the most dedicated of Android modders. Here’s hoping that once Google releases the source code for Ice Cream Sandwich and CyanogenMod 8(?) releases a stable version, the TouchPad will be up and running with a full Android tablet OS.