Friday, October 21, 2011

DROID Bionic CyanogenMod 7 dual boot [Video]

Right after it was released and well over a month ago we got our first look at CM7 on the DROID Bionic, but today we have another video to tease all of you Bionic owners with. This shows it actually dual booting into CM7, and I want it already. Apparently the developer hashcode was able to get CM7 booting on the DROID3 and the same little trick is working just great for the new DROID Bionic, check out the video below.

Now what we have here is the DROID Bionic booting the the regular old Blur infused Android 2.3 Gingerbread, but after some tweaks and trickery is dual-booted into CyanogenMod 7, something many owners are patiently waiting to get on their own devices. Obviously this is new and still very much a work in progress but eventually we should see more coming from this project.
For now it’s still in early beta stages, but the developer does provide a few details and information for those daring enough to take the journey themselves and give it a try. This is pretty involved and you should be careful with anything of this sort, obviously. Just a few days ago the source code for the Bionic was released so hopefully that will help things out where it can. Now for the video –
Bionic dual boot CM7

All of the information and details to see how this works and try it for yourself can be found over at RootzWiki. — Thanks Steve!