Saturday, October 22, 2011

More than 50% of smartphones sold in Asia run Android

Now Google and Samsung’s decision to move the Galaxy Nexus event to Hong Kong makes more sense. A new report from ABI research states that a whopping 52% of the smartphones in Asia are running Android. That’s a considerable lead on the United States, where Android currently commands 43% of the smartphone market.

The growth of Android in Asia is especially dramatic in Asia, where the operating system has gained 36% market share in just one year. Of course, much of Asia is still considered an emerging market, which is why only 27% of mobile phones sold there qualify as smartphones, as opposed to 40% in the U.S. We know that Android is big in China, and a big part of that is its open-source nature, allowing small and large manufacturers alike to create Android phones without paying a licensing fee. It probably doesn’t hurt that the two largest manufacturers of Android phones, Samsung and HTC, are based in South Korea and Taiwan, respectively.
In the next few years Asia will become an even more important part of the smartphone market, and the tech world in general. Analysts currently predict smartphone market share to double in the next five years, and if Android maintains its current success, it’ll be a pretty one-sided one at that. With Samsung, HTC and regional players like Pantech creating phones at every price level, it’ll be a bitter fight to see who can create and sell Android phones the fastest in the territory.Android is also making great strides in tablets and other form factors, such as the traditionally popular personal translator clamshell.