Monday, November 21, 2011

Android Malware surges 472%, growth expected to continue

Google's Android operating system has become a major target for malware. So much so that the number of malware apps has increased 472% since July of this year, according to Juniper Networks. Juniper claims that most of the explosion occurred between September and October and that it expects the infiltration rate to keep growing in the coming months.

According to Juniper, "The majority of malicious applications target communications, location, or other personal identifying information. Of the known Android malware samples, 55%, acts in one way or another as spyware. The other major type of attack, which make up 44%, are SMS Trojans, which send SMS messages to premium rate numbers owned by the attacker in the background of a legitimate application, without the person's knowledge. Once these messages are sent, the money is not recoverable, and the owners of these premium rate numbers are generally anonymous."

At this time, there is no way to stop the Android malware writers because of Google's open applications store model and current review process.


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