Friday, November 11, 2011

Kindle Fire Won’t Run All Android Apps, Amputates APIs

I’m a huge fan of the upcoming Amazon Kindle Fire: priced at ridiculously low $200 (and available for pre-order), it’s sure to be one 2011′s holiday sensations. It’s rare you find an Android device that affordable, and when you do, it’s usually some overseas wannabe tablet they sell in a drug store. The Amazon Kindle, though, is fully featured. Almost.

Amazon has already stated there will be thousands of Android apps available on the Fire through the Amazon App Store and told us that they have been especially approved for the Kindle Fire itself to ensure a great Fire-proof experience. But a recent Robert Scoble comment on G+ shows that the reason all apps won’t be on the Kindle Fire goes well beyond Amazon being picky about quality:
I interviewed one company today that has an awesome Android app (millions of downloads already). They went through and demoed their new thing to me. Made me want to turn in my iPhone and go with the Android, but can’t talk about it until next week. Then they pulled out a Samsung Tablet and said “it works here too.”
That was all great, until I asked them “what about the Amazon Kindle Fire?”
They said “nope, Amazon is keeping our app from running.”
Turns out that Amazon has turned off many APIs that are available on other Android devices, so many Android apps won’t run on the Amazon Kindle Fire.

This may disturb the hardcore Android fan but I don’t anticipate it will slow sales. It’s Amazon. It’s a Kindle. It’s an Android. And it’s only $200. Now matter what way you slice the pie that’s a pretty darn good offer. Not to mention, I’m sure the masses at the Kindle Fire Forums will be painstakingly assist each other to get the absolute most out of the Fire by any means necessary.
Did you plan on buying the Kindle Fire for yourself or as a gift? Does this affect your decision at all?