Why Motorola why? We’ve seen this phone a few times but it appears for some odd reason Motorola and Telus have decided to give this depressing idea another try. Introducing the Motorola MotoKey Social. The Motorola Facebook Phone that is destined for greatness, or something like that. Given the huge success of the HTC Status Facebook phone this just seems like a great idea. Right guys?
Maybe I’m just being mean but HTC gave the sad Status Facebook phone a whopping 46 days or so before they pulled the plug. Maybe Motorola feels they have something unique and different but it doesn’t look all that different or amazing if you ask me. Even a quad-core processor and a 4000 mAh battery couldn’t get me to buy this phone. Okay that was a bit harsh — either way here’s the details and specs:

Now I know what your thinking — where is the Android? The dedicated capacitive buttons are no where and neither is a home or navigation button standard to Android on the keyboard. Maybe that is part of the reason I’ve posted my lovely fail photo above. The official MotoKey Social specs page clearly shows Android icons all over the place so you decide. The MotoKey Social has a 2.4″ display, an unknown processor but I’m guessing 800 MHz or maybe 1 GHz, a 3 megapixel camera, and then some micro-SD support.
This beautiful phone will be $89.99 starting November 21st over at TELUS in Canada. Who’s buying?
[via UnwiredView]