Wednesday, November 16, 2011

T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G Gets Gingerbread Update

Samsung Galaxy S 4G owners on T-Mobile have been waiting quite a while for the Gingerbread update that was promised by T-Mobile and it’s finally here. Unfortunately the update must be applied OTW (over-the-wire) via Kies Mini on a PC. Unfortunately T-Mobile doesn’t list whether or not the upgrade will be able to be applied in-store, but it couldn’t hurt to call your local store and ask. Take a look at the list below for the changes you can expect and find full instructions and download links at the T-Mobile’s support site.
Devices upgrading to T959VUVKJ6 will benefit from:

Note: The upgrade to KJ6 is NOT required. You may opt out of the upgrade and continue using software version T959VUVKD1.