Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cee Lo hides white DROID RAZR in LA, Motorola gives away 6 more

Sprite spokesman, American Dad! guest star and occasional R&B singer Cee Lo Green has a white Motorola DROID RAZR, and he wants to give it to you. Not you, personally, but at least one of his Twitter followers, now numbered at about half a million. He’s hidden it somewhere in Los Angeles, and will be tweeting out clues to its precise location on his official account, @CeeLoGreen. You probably shouldn’t check under the big “W” in the Hollywood sign.

For those of us without the inclination to join the madding crowd or the means to go scavenger hunting in LA, Motorola will be giving out another six units via Twitter. Follow @Motorola, do some pimping with the #WhiteRazrXmas tag, cross your fingers, and the company might just pick your for a frosty new smartphone on December 27th. Since the promotion is for a Verizon-branded phone, only residents of the United States can win.