Friday, December 2, 2011

CyanogenMod Gives CM9 Progress Update (Don’t Look Now, Original DROID Owners)

Cyanogen’s updated the community on their progress with developing the latest version of their highly-revered custom ROM, CyanogenMod 9. Right now, devices with TI OMAP4, Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8660/7X30, and Samsung Exynos will be the focus.
Over time, they hope to get all devices back to the Qualcomm QSD8250 ( Nexus One chipset) up and going with some Ice Cream Sandwich. Some tablets with Tegra 2 will also be getting support, such as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and the ASUS Transformer.
Oh, and as for that original Motorola DROID? Well, that phone is just long at the tooth now – it’s quite too old for this tasty treat. Sorry folks, but most of you should be due for upgrades to the Galaxy Nexus anytime now so you’re in good shape regardless.
For the time being, Nexus S owners can dig into the current version of CM9 themselves if they want a sneak peak at what’s to come for many devices. Look under Koush’s section of ROM Manager to get going. [Cyanogen, thanks to everyone who sent this in!]