Thursday, September 16, 2021

Xiaomi Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro joins the MIUI 21.5 Enhanced update list

The new skin by Xiaomi, MIUI 12.5 enhanced version is expanding to more devices. So far, the version has reached the Mi 11 series, Poco F3, and many more devices. The latest smartphone to get the latest software update is the Mi 10T duo— Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro.

Xiaomi Mi 10T

Must see: Download Android 12 wallpapers in full resolution

The new skin for Xiaomi Mi 10T duo is rolling out globally in s stable phase on the firmware version V12.5.4.0.RJDMIXM. Regarding changes, the package carries a month-old security patch, August 2021. The major attraction of the update is the extensive features of the MIUI 12.5 enhanced version. Moreover, the changelog claims to bring fixes in the lock screen, status bar, and notification shade. Refer to the changelog below for precise details.


  • MIUI12.5 Enhanced

    • Swift performance: More life between the charges.

    • Focused algorithms: Our new algorithms will dynamically allocate system resources based on specific scenes, ensuring a smooth experience on all models.

    • Atomized memory: Ultra-fine memory management mechanism will make RAM usage more efficient.

    • Liquid storage: New sensitive storage mechanisms will keep your system vibrant and responsive as time goes by.

    • Smart balance: Core system improvements allow your device to make the best of the flagship hardware specs.

  • System

    • Updated Android Security Patch to August 2021. Increased system security.

  • Lock screen

    • New: New fingerprint options

    • Fix: Using Face unlock and Fingerprint unlock simultaneously led to crashes in some cases

    • Fix: Lock screen notifications disappeared after an ended call

    • Fix: Memory usage issues when charging animation was displayed

    • Fix: Lock screen items weren't displayed when super wallpapers and themes were combined

  • Status bar, Notification shade

    • Optimization: Third-party theme compatibility for the Notification shade

    • Optimization: Dark mode adjustments for notifications

    • Fix: Notifications weren't displayed correctly when App lock was used

    • Fix: Cleaner animations weren't displayed correctly

    • Fix: Notification shade couldn't be opened in some cases

    • Fix: Issues with permissions after missed calls

    • Fix: Player controls weren't always displayed in the Notification shade

    • Fix: Notifications weren't always displayed correctly when "Raise to Wake" was used

    • Fix: Buttons weren't always displayed correctly on the notifications when Dark mode was on

As the OTA is rolling out in phases, it may take a while to reach all units. Meanwhile, you can manually track the update via the Settings app > Software update > Check for update. Alternatively, you can also apply for the here.
Related: Xiaomi and Redmi Android 12 update list [Unofficial]