Wednesday, January 26, 2011

App developers growing more interested in Android, Google TV interest waning

About 2,000 app developers were surveyed recently on their interest in developing for various devices; the results for Android were pretty solid.
According to the survey, 92% were interested in iPhone development, 87% in Android Phone development, 87% in iPad development, and 74% for Android Tablet development. Other competitors, such as Windows 7, garnered only 36% interest.
Developer interest is waning for Google TV, however. Developers are showing less interest in Google TV and Apple TV, which dropped from 44% and 40% interest all the way down to 33% and 30% interest, respectively.
This doesn’t mean that internet TV is bound to be a failure altogether, though. Google TV has plans to launch Android Market, which undoubtedly is the reason developers became interested in Android smartphones and tablets.