Thursday, October 6, 2011

Android continues to gain market share in U.S. while Blackberry OS continues to dwindle

comScore released their latest U.S. smartphone market share report, and as expected, Android continues to dominate. During the 3-month period ending in August, 2011, 84.5 million people owned smartphones in the U.S., a 10% increase from the previous 3-month period.
During the 3-month period ending in August, Android’s OS market share increased by 5 percentage points to control 43.7 percent of the smartphone market in the U.S. Apple came in second with 27.3 percent of U.S. smartphone market, an increase of 0.7 percent from the previous period.
While Apple and Google gained market share, RIM on the other hand didn’t do so good. Overall, Blackberry OS saw a decline in market share by dropping to 19.7 percent, a 5 percent decrease from the previous period where they controlled 24 percent.
Source: comScore